近日、商標領域で権威のある雑誌World Trademark Review(以下、「WTR」という)は「2015 WTR 1000」グローバリストを発布した。集佳は中国地域のゴールド事務所に入選された。
China’s biggest filer is Beijing-headquartered Unitalen, whose 600-plus staff across no fewer than 18 branch offices make light work of its prodigious output. The firm hit the headlines for its representation of Tencent in a marathon unfair competition spat with Qihoo. The “remarkable” Danny Chen is “meticulous, thorough and trustworthy… always the top choice for large portfolios “. Prosecution expert Ying Huang shines in trademark administrative litigation. Courtroom ace Robert Li is a noted speaker and writer on IP issues in China; in addition to trademark infringement, he has developed a specialty in the IP aspects of antitrust suits.